pants on fire
tiffany: No, not at all.
me: ...and have you used any drugs or alcohol?
tiffany: nope.
me: Okay, I'm going to screen you today since we need an update for your file.
tiffany: -face dropping-
me: Can we bring your baby in the bathroom with us or should I find another female officer to watch her while we do this?
tiffany: um...
me: What's wrong?
tiffany: It's going to be positive for pot.
me: Why did you lie to me?
tiffany: -crying- Because I didn't know you were going to screen me!
me: Well, the question wasn't 'if you knew I was going to screen you today would you admit to using drugs?'
tiffany: You're right. Sorry.
me: If I ask you a question you need to tell me the truth.
tiffany: -bawling- I promise. I will be honest with you. I am so stressed lately cause my mom called CPS on me....
..... and so begins a whole different story, which I am sure she was telling the honest to goodness truth about.