gotta love mondays
p- "Took you long enough."
me- "Get over here, please."
getting seated in interview space...
m- "That was obnoxious. I have told you I don't see people before 2:00. I won't see you early if you are here before that."
p-"oh yeah, um, sorry."
m-"Why are you in such a hurry?"
p-"You made me late for my interview."
m-"I made you late. What time were you supposed to be there?"
m-"1:30, That is the time you got here."
p- "I thought I should come in here."
m-*this is going to be a long conversation* "Well call them and see if you can get in later."
p- "Nope, that was the second time I blew them off, they won't give me another one."
m-"Guess you have to look for another prospect."
p-"Why can't you be cool like my last PO? She was my friend."
m-"Welcome to adult probation. It is not my job to be your friend, it is my job to ......"
p- "Well, what I don't get is why you're making me do all of this community service!"
m-"Actually you got off easy. It was recommended you get 400 hours of community service and the judge only gave you 40."
p- "40!? That is a lot!!"
m-"Mr. A, that is just like working for one full week. Maybe you should practice it before you get a real job."
p- "Give me the judge's number. I want to talk to him."
m-"He's busy. You can call your public defender when you get home. Make sure you are in by your curfew. I will be checking."
p- "I wish you would give me back to my old PO."