Saturday, April 21, 2007

Airing out is the best way to spend a warm day. I love the first day that we can all open every window and the wind fairy comes through and takes out the stagnant air with it.
Abel is overdosing on fresh air. As most people know, he doesn't nap much to begin with. Maybe one or two times per week he will catch some winks in the car or during Mr. Rogers. Most days now he is up and rolling by 7am and crashing hard between 7:30 and 8pm. With all this fresh air and added outside craziness he is confused. He so wants to bow to the nap fairy and curl up, but that stubborn addiction to adventure always wins. It will be interesting to see how this ultimately disrupts his sleep cycle. For now he wants to be a part of everything going on during the warm daylight hours.
Last night he played with his friends outside until he asked me to go in. The night sleep fairy won that one.


Blogger Lora said...

Man that little guy has a lot of energy for a 2 year old. I can't imagine what he'll be like when he's 8. ;)

I remember playing outside once the days started getting longer and the weather turned. We hoped every night that mom would forget about our bedtime and we could stay out just a little later.

2:36 PM  

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