Monday, May 28, 2007

Ahhh, the life of a lacky. I love not going to work. Especially on days I should be there, like tomorrow. When I take time off it is usually for a trip to someone's wedding or around a busy holiday. I dare say tomorrow will be the first self-centered vacation day taken in about five years. Now to clarify "vacation day": a day that is scheduled time off and not a sick day used on a whim to enjoy the new spring weather. Yes, prior to this job those were becoming habit. This job doesn't allow for such a yielding schedule. I have to be there when I say that I am. That is that.

For now I am sitting outside on the porch swing because I don't have to be up at 6 tomorrow, and I didn't today because it is a national holiday. I have several things whirling in my head that should be getting done but I just want to sit and not do. We actually accomplished or at least neared completion on a house project today. Tomorrow we should be able to put the finishing touches on our front hallway's paint job. This has been a long time coming. And as I was painting I was jealous of people who have extra time to work on their houses. I wish we had some more. Maybe it was the paint fumes.

But today was a good day. Good in the way my Grandpa says it when his family has been at his house eating and talking all day. There is nothing to compare it to. It is good. Abel and I laid on the lawn at the Eastman House and picked out ducks in the clouds. Scott and I worked on a project and felt a sense of accomplishment while enjoying some time together. We experienced Abel's face at the parade as he watched and waved at all the people and horses. Where he also asked if he could make a snowman which I was confused about but agreed to. Then I turned and saw him flat on the sidewalk making a dirt angel. Those are the best kind of good.

Here's to another day as a lacky!


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