Saturday, April 22, 2006


I forgot how tiring it is to start a new job. Hence, my absence. Sorry to everyone who has emailed or called asking how things are going, the days have flown by one crazy hour after the other. After I get home I spend my time gobbling up every last minute of family time before bed.
I am working on getting used to the very stringent schedule. This is the first job I have had since high school where the supervisor likes to know where I am at all times. It's not too bad though, because that seems to be the only thing she is super strict about. There is a lot of flexibility in how we structure our days. I will be meeting with my probationers on Mondays and Fridays. The rest of the week I will be in court, filing paperwork, and chasing down my warrant laden felon offenders (half kidding.) Yeah, it is a toss up what most days will bring, sure it will include some fun stuff to post!


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