In the marathon training book we have the authors share a ton of information on visualization while running. Yesterday I tried it. As I was dragging through snow drifts and sliding through slosh I imagined I was running on the beach. The reason my feet were hanging up wasn't snow, it was sand. The stinging and whipping feeling on my face wasn't whirling snow drifts but mist off the ocean waves. Yeah, it doesn't work. It got me about 50 feet then all I could imagine was being hurled into a snowbank by the passing plow.
I haven't accrued as many miles so far in this month as in Jan. but I am still running 2-3 days per week. So, that is at least...hopeful. It is hard to drag out of bed in normal conditions in the winter. Trying to do it with the big idea of going running before work when it is -6 out is impossible. I can't wait for the weather to break!
Speaking of breaks, thanks to the dead presidents who afforded me the day off. Maybe my niece will decide to show up today!
Sorry Violet didn't cooperate with your wishes! Believe me...it was one of my wishes too.
Two Ton Tessie - ova' an out
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